
试析秘鲁民众主义发展的“悖论” 被引量:2

A “Paradox”in the Development of Peruvian Populism Movement
摘要 秘鲁军队对阿普拉主义运动长期奉行敌视和打击的政策,但是1968年秘鲁军政府上台后,却继承和发扬了阿普拉主义的精髓,这是秘鲁民众主义运动发展的一个"悖论"。这一"悖论"现象产生的原因,从浅层看是"特鲁希略事件"的积怨、寡头集团的阻挠,以及阿普拉党与军队性质的相互转变导致的。从深层看则是秘鲁现代化发展的迟缓、资产阶级力量的不成熟以及阿普拉党政策失误造成的。这一"悖论"现象表明,拉美民众主义运动是现代化转型时期的产物,该时期的一些旧的社会经济发展瓶颈需要借助民众主义运动来打破。一个国家社会经济发展的迟滞性决定了这个国家民众主义运动的迟发性、长期性和曲折性。 A "paradox" in the development of Peruvian populism movement is that the army has been histor- ically opposing the Aprista Movement, whereas the military government of General Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968 -1975) inherited the essence of Aprimo. The causes on the surface include the military's enmity to- ward APPA resulting from Trujillo events, the obstruction of oligarchic group, and the changing nature of APRA and the army. However, the underlying causes are the slow pace of modernization, the immaturity of the bourgeoisie strength, and APRA's mistakes in policy - making. This paradox indicates that populism in Latin America is a product of the modernization transformation during which populism is needed to overcome some old bottlenecks in the social and economic development. Therefore the delay of a country's social and e- conomical development leads to a delayed, long and tortuous path of populism movement.
作者 韩琦 宋欣欣
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期83-90,共8页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题"拉丁美洲的民族主义与现代化"(14JJD770012)的阶段性成果
关键词 秘鲁民众主义 阿普拉 阿普拉主义 军人民众主义 贝拉斯科 Peruvian Populism APRA Aprismo Military Populism Juan Velasco Alvarado
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