
美国高校博士点项目内部评估研究——以俄亥俄州立大学为例 被引量:4

Internal Assessment of Doctoral Education in the US:A Case Study of OSU
摘要 博士生教育内部评估是提升博士生教育质量的重要手段,国内仅有少数学校于近两年实施了内部评估,有关实践和研究仍处于起步阶段。本文介绍了美国博士点评估的框架体系,以俄亥俄州立大学为例,从学校层面介绍研究型大学博士生教育的内部评估过程和评估结果。结合2014年国家发布《关于深化研究生教育改革意见》中提出的建立以培养单位为主的质量保证体系,分析得出博士点内部评估的趋势与启示:绩效评估成为大学内部评估的主流,管理文化呈现监控主体职责下移的趋势,内部评估重在开展学生发展评估。 The internal evaluation of doctoral education is one of important ways to improve teaching-learning quality.Only a few number of schools in China has implemented this assessment method in the previous two years.This paper introduces the framework of evaluation at the doctoral level in the US.And taking an example of Ohio State University,this study demonstrates how doctoral education could be evaluated at the university level and what the evaluation results are.Based on the"Suggestions on Deepening Reformation and Innovation of Postgraduate Education"which emphasizes on the role of universities and colleges with regard to quality assurance system,findings indicate trend and some implications of internal evaluations at universities:Performance assessment has become the main method for internal assessment,and colleges take the main responsibility for quality enhancement.Moreover,internal assessment shall focus more on the evaluation of student development.
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期40-47,共8页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 教育部人文社科规划一般项目青年基金项目"人文社会科学的学科知识评估及影响研究--以教育部一级学科评估为例"(15YJC880031)
关键词 研究生教育 博士生教育 内部评估 postgraduate education doctoral education internal assessment
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