
政策知识再生产:全球化时代政策转移中的知识叙事 被引量:7

Reproduction of Policy Knowledge: Knowledge Narrative in the Transfer of Policy in the Era of Globalization
摘要 在"全球化"、"知识化"的时代,政策知识成为研究政策转移的重要切入点。治理环境的复杂化、知识的不确定性、知识的"地方性"决定了政策转移中的知识再生产成为与政策转移有效性相契合的命题。政策转移中的政策知识再生产是一个政策知识收集、转化、应用、综合的过程,这个过程嵌入在一定的权力结构之中,并依赖于特定的组织结构。因此,应在对政策转移中知识再生产的结构与过程的"应然"考察基础上构建出政策转移有效性评估框架。 In the era of "globalization" and "knowledge", policy knowledge has become an important point in the study of policy transfer. The complexity of the governance environment, the uncertainty of knowledge, and the "locality" of knowledge have determined the proposition that the knowledge reproduction in the policy transfer is a conjunction with the effectiveness of policy transfer. Policy knowledge reproduction is a process of policy knowledge collection, transformation, ap- plication and synthesis. This process is embedded in a certain power structure, and depends on the specific organizational structure. On the basis of "ought-to-be"idea of the structure and process of knowledge reproduction in the transfer of policy, we need to construct the evaluation framework for policy transfer effectiveness.
作者 周建国 熊烨
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期84-92,共9页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"社会管理创新与社会体制改革"(11&ZD028) 国家社科基金项目"我国政府公共政策评估模式研究"(11BZZ034) 高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目"地方政府政策评估实践研究"(2014ZDIXM005)的阶段性成果
关键词 政策转移 政策知识 再生产 结构 过程 policy transfer policy knowledge reproduction structure processs
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