为考察10℃左右低温环境下腐殖土填料对活性污泥胞外聚合物(EPS)以及沉降、脱水性能的影响,采用SBR工艺处理模拟废水,将内置和外置腐殖土填料的SBR工艺(HS-SBR)与传统SBR工艺(cSBR)进行对比研究。结果表明:添加腐殖土可显著提高活性污泥的初沉速度,外置HS-SBR反应器初沉速度比cSBR提高了9.559 mm/min,改善率达192%;内置HS-SBR反应器初沉速度比cSBR提高了10.599 mm/min,改善率高达213%。外置、内置HS-SBR的污泥沉降性能明显比cSBR的好,SVI值明显较小。HS-SBR的CST值均较cSBR的CST值小,特别是内置HSSBR反应器的CST值最小,比cSBR反应器的CST值小0.68 s·L/gSS,更有利于污泥脱水。
To evaluate the effect of humus soil on activated sludge extracellular polymers, sedi- mentation and dewatering performance at 10 ℃ or so, the SBR progress was used to treat simulated wastewater, and the performance of SBR process with internal and external humus soil was compared with conventional SBR process. The results showed that adding humus soil could significantly improve the ini- tial settling velocity of activated sludge. The initial settling velocity in the external HS-SBR tank was fas- ter than that in the cSBR by 9. 559 mm/min, and the improved efficiency was 192%. The initial settling velocity in the internal HS-SBR tank was faster than that in the cSBR by 10.599 mm/min, and the im- proved efficiency was 213%. The sedimentation performance of external and internal HS-SBR was signifi- candy better than that of cSBR, and SVI value was lower. Compared with the cSBR, the CST values of HS-SBR were reduced, especially the CST value of the internal HS-SBR with the reduction value of 0.68 s · L/gSS, which was more conducive to sludge dewatering.
China Water & Wastewater