目的研究MRI诊断新生儿低血糖脑病的影像学特征及其临床价值。方法选取2014年6月至2015年12月19例经临床诊断为新生儿低血糖脑病的患儿的临床及MRI资料。结果 19例新生儿低血糖患儿中,脑部损伤发生在双侧顶枕部6例,一侧枕叶受累3例,发生于胼胝体及半卵圆中心区3例,丘脑受累1例,发生于侧脑室旁白质内7例,蛛网膜下腔出血2例,其它部位受累3例。病变区异常信号其表现T1WI高信号,T2WI低信号,FLAIR高信号,DWI图上高信号,ADC图上明显低信号。结论常规MRI与磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)结合,可以明确新生儿低血糖脑病脑损伤的部位、范围、性质及与周围结构的关系,能早期准确的诊断及评估预后,对预后的康复治疗具有重要的指导意义。
Objective:Imaging features and clinical value of MRI in diagnosing neonatal hypoglycemia. Method:Clinical and MRI data of 19 children diagnosed as neonatal hypoglycemia encephalopathy were selected from June 2014 to December 2015. Result:19 cases of neonatal hypoglycemia,Brain injury occurred in 6 patients with bilateral occipital occipital region,Occipital lobe involvement in 3 cases,There were 3 cases of corpus callosum and half oval center,1 cases of thalamus involvement,7 cases occurred in the lateral ventricles,2 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage and 3 cases of other parts. The abnormal signal in the lesion area is T1WI high signal,T2 low signal,FLAIR high signal,high signal on DWI map,ADC map is obviously low signal. Conclusion:MRI and magnetic resonance diffusion weighted imaging(DWI)combined with,can clear neonatal hypoglycemia encephalopathy site,scope,nature and relationship with the surrounding structures,early accurate diagnosis and evaluation of prognosis and rehabilitation therapy on the prognosis has important guiding significance.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Hypoglycemic encephalopathy
Magnetic resonance imaging