
《中国科学通讯》与大后方的对外科学交流(1942~1945) 被引量:1

Acta Brevia Sinensia and Foreign Scientific Communication in the Nationalist Government-controlled Area during the Anti-Japanese War( 1942—1945)
摘要 《中国科学通讯》是抗战时期在大后方创刊的综合性英文科学刊物,面向英、美科学界发行,报道大后方科学之进展,由中华自然科学社于1942年开始编辑,先是由该社自行对外发行,后于1943年交李约瑟领导的中英科学合作馆发行,直至抗战结束共刊行10期,在当时的中外科学交流中发挥了与Nature相似的作用。依据新发现的刊物文本及相关史料,文章发掘了该刊的创办史实、编辑与发行情形、学科布局等情况,首先指出该刊是在战时中外科学交流日渐停滞的背景下创刊的;进而揭示创刊经过与发行渠道的建立过程;然后通过阐释征稿情形与统计学科布局,说明该刊主要反映了基础科学方面的进展。文章最后基于具体案例呈现该刊所发挥的对外科学交流作用。 Acta Brevia Sinensia was a synthetic English scientific journal, which was published in the Nationalist Government-controlled Area during the Anti-Japanese War. It was distributed to British and American scientists and reported on scientific progress in the Nationalist Government-con- trolled Area. The journal was edited first by the Natural Science Society of China in 1942, after which the Sino-British Science Cooperation Office led by Joseph Needham undertook the task of issu- ing and distributing the journal. By the end of the war, a total of ten issues had been published. Based on the issues of the journal and newly found related materials, the article explores the histori- cal facts about the journal's founding, the state of affairs of the journal's distribution, soliciting of contributions, etc. The article points out that the journal was published against the background that foreign scientific exchanges had gradually stagnated in the Nationalist Government-controlled Area; reveals the process of its publication and distribution; illustrates the work of collecting manuscripts and counts the subject arrangement to demonstrate that the journal reflected scientific progress in the field of basic science; and presents the journal's function in foreign scientific communications on the basis of concrete cases.
出处 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期61-74,共14页 Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中国的科学建制与科学文化"(项目编号:2006JDXM157)
关键词 抗日战争 大后方 《中国科学通讯》 中华自然科学社 李约瑟 中外科学交流 Anti-Japanese War, Nationalist Government-controlled Area, Acta Brevia Sinensia, Natural Science Society of China, Joseph Needham, Scientific Communication between Chinaand Foreign Countries
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