美国气象服务市场是高度开放和成熟的,在200多家气象公司中,以The Weather Company(TWC)和Accu Weather的规模最大、技术最先进、体系最完善。这两家公司依托海量、精细的气象预报数据,既提供常规的天气信息,又提供深入的行业服务。TWC拥有按需预报系统、自主研发的精细化模式、海量数据分析系统和影视图文制播系统等先进的支持系统,在发展过程中擅长资本运作;Accu Weather注重数据和专业知识的应用,有精细数据生产系统、专业预警制作与发布系统、分钟级预报系统和交互触摸系统等独特的系统。在高度细分的气象服务市场中,TWC和Accuweather都打造了完整的服务体系。
Business weather service market in US is highly open and prosperous.There are more than 200 companies supplying business weather service.Among them,the Weather Company(TWC) and Accu Weather are the top ones,owning the largest market share,and most advanced technology and service system.Based on massive,high-resolution meteorological prediction data,they provide both general daily weather information and special in-depth forecast service to industrial and economic customers.TWC has a series of special and powerful IT and meteorological systems to support their business weather service,including Forecast on Demand(Fo D),high-resolution Numerical Weather Prediction system,Big Data Analysis system,and graph and video production and broadcasting system.TWC shows great capability of capital operation in its development process.Meanwhile,Accu Weather focuses on the application of meteorological data and the expertise.It owns unique high-resolution weather forecast system,warning production and delivery system,minute by minute forecast system,and graph and video interactive touching system.In the high segmentation of business weather service market,TWC and Accuweather have built up their own competitiveness and all-in-one service system.
Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology