In order to know about immunity efficacy of swine Japanese encephalitis in Longrnen buffer zone of the specific equine disease-free zone ofConghua, Guangdong, and to guide the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) vaccine immunization in that county, 240 serum samples from swine, which had been immunized with JEV vaccine, were collect- ed from 8 swine farms for detection of JEV antibodies using ELISA kit used to detect the antibody against swine JEV. The results showed that 92.92% of total positive rate of immune antibody in samples collected from 8 swine farms in Longrnen buffer zone; the antibody positive rate of breeding swine was higher than porker's, but the difference was not significant; the antibody positive rate of swine fed under good feeding conditions was higher than those fed under middle feeding conditions, but the difference was not significant. The test showed that JEV vaccine had good immunological efficacy, and could provide strong protection for swine, So we can draw the conclusion that Japanese encephalitis should be prevented by JEV vaccine.
Guangdong Journal of Animal and Veterinary Science
WANG Zheng, ZHANG Yongquan, GONG Weihong, XUE Peiqun ( Huizhou Animal Health Supervision Institute, Huizhou 516001, China )