为了提高数据流频繁模式挖掘的效率,文中基于经典的数据流频繁模式挖掘算法FP-Stream和分布式并行计算原理,设计了一种分布式并行化数据流频繁模式挖掘算法—DPFP-Stream(Distributed Parallel Algorithm of Mining Frequent Pattern on Data Stream)。该算法将建立频繁模式树的任务分为local和global两部分,并设置了参数"当前时间";将到达的流数据平均分配到多个不同的local节点,各local节点使用FP-Growth算法产生该单位时间内本节点的候选频繁项集,并按照单位时间将候选频繁项集及其支持度计数打包发送至global节点;global节点按"当前时间"合并各local节点的中间结果并更新模式树Pattern-Tree。在分布式数据流计算平台Storm上进行的算法实现和性能测试结果表明,DPFP-Stream算法的计算效率能够随着local节点或local bolt线程的增加而提高,适用于高效挖掘数据流中的频繁模式。
In order to improve the efficiency of mining frequent pattern on data stream,a Distributed Parallel Algorithm of Mining Frequent Pattern on Data Stream,named DPFP-Stream,is designed in this paper based on the ideas of classical FP-Stream and the distributed parallel computing. It divides the task of building frequent pattern tree into two parts: local and global,and introduces a newparameter"current time". The arrival data will be equally distributed into different local nodes. Then every local node uses FP-Growth algorithm to produce candidate frequent items,and packages them with relevant support count according to unit time,and sends them to the global node. The global node combines the results produced by local nodes according to the"current time"and updates the global Pattern-Tree.The results of implementing DPFP-Stream algorithm and testing its performance on Storm,a distribution data stream computing platform,showthat the computing efficiency of DPFP-Stream can increase linearly with the increasing of local nodes or the local bolts,and DPFP-Stream is applicable to effectively mine frequent pattern from data stream.
Computer Technology and Development