
公共图书馆法人治理结构现状调研及思考 被引量:43

Survey and Reflection on the Status of Corporate Governance of the Public Library
摘要 建立法人治理结构是21世纪以来我国公共图书馆管理的一项新举措,各地图书馆按照相关要求进行调研和论证,有些图书馆已进入实施阶段。本文采用文献调研、问卷调查和实地考察等方法,对全国各省、市、县图书馆的法人治理结构现状进行调研。发现全国公共图书馆法人治理结构的建立及运行存在以下障碍:改革缺乏立法层面的依据;政府与图书馆权责不清;理事会定位及作用存疑。公共图书馆法人治理结构可从以下方面进行完善:尽快推动《公共图书馆法》出台,并重视后续的修订和完善工作;确定理事会的决策地位,明确政府与公共图书馆的权责关系;构建专业委员会,完善决策支撑体系;推进管理运行公开化,构建社会评价监督机制。中国图书馆学会应在全国公共图书馆法人治理结构的建立和完善方面发挥积极作用。 Establishing corporate governance is a new measure of public library management in China in the 21st cen- tury. According to the relevant requirement, the demonstration of reform was carried out in libraries, some of which have turned into the implementation stage. However, there are certain hindrances in the process of es- tablishing corporate governance for the public library. To the public libraries which have accomplished the reform, many problems still exist during the operation of the corporate governance; the library board could not actually play an important role in the library management. A comprehensive survey on the status of the corporate governance reform of the public library was conducted in this paper. The purpose of the survey is to find out problems and offer solutions, and to provide a reference for promoting the further development of the corporate governance of the public library. Based on the methods including literature investigation, questionnaire and field survey, a survey was carried out on the corporate governance of public libraries in counties, cities and provinces throughout China and the data of the status of the corporate governance of 9 provincial and municipal public libraries and 53 public libraries on municipal and county level was collected. After the analysis of the data collected from the survey, the following hindrances to the establishment and operation of the corporate governance of public li- braries throughout the country were found: the reform is lack of the bases at the legislative level; the powers and responsibilities of the government and the library are not clear; the library board's personnel composi- tion, positioning and role are not well defined. Aiming at these problems, the corporate governance of the public library can be improved from the following aspects: promote the introduction of the Public Library Law as soon as possible and pay attention to the subsequent revision and improvement; establish the library board's decisive position, clarify the powers and responsibilities of the public library and the government; es- tablish professional committee, improve the decision support system; promote the publicity of management and operation, construct social evaluation and supervision mechanism. The Library Society of China should play an active role in the establishment and improvement of the corpo- rate governance of public library: 1) Promote and advocate the concept of corporate governance; 2) Take the lead to set and improve the library board's rules; 3) Take the lead to evaluate the status of the establish- ment and operation, providing references for the relevant departments. 2 figs. 2 tabs. 11 refs.
作者 霍瑞娟
机构地区 中国图书馆学会
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期117-127,共11页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 公共图书馆 法人治理结构 中国图书馆学会 Public library, Corporate governance. Library Society of China.
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