
新中国戏改黄金期的独特成就——以河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会的考察为中心 被引量:1

Unique Achievements of the Opera Reform in the Short Golden Period after the Founding of the People's Republic of China:Centered on the Investigation of Henan's First Traditional Chinese Opera Festival
摘要 戏改黄金期对新中国戏曲发展意义非凡,亟待深入研究。作为戏改成功典型的河南戏曲成果丰硕,其间,河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会担当了重任,成为河南戏曲发展承前启后的关键性活动,奠定了牢固的观念、体制基础。观摩演出大会围绕戏曲遗产挖掘整理与继承创新等戏曲发展新政之落实,取得了突出的成绩:一、对戏改成果做出检省,由田汉、马可等省内外专家与省内各戏种、行当戏曲家共同审查、讨论及会诊,从寻找新旧辩证关系出发,解决戏改剧目问题,整理改编既尊重传统,又更重推陈出新;现代戏成为核心问题;唱腔、表演等继承创新,经验的规律性总结,常香玉、阎立品成为翘楚。二、会演是戏改理论探索深化的新起点。以挖掘继承、推陈出新为目标,站在总结中国戏曲理论体系、西方理论中国化的高度,总结成果,提出新命题,规划戏曲方向。围绕《刘胡兰》之争,探索地方戏曲表现现代生活之路,马可、冯纪汉等高屋建瓴,确定尊重传统戏曲规律、保持地方剧种特色、紧密结合传统、有重点地创造的原则,奠定河南现代戏崛起的理论基础。三、会演是河南戏曲界走向一体化体制的重要开端。会演完成了调查资源、统一思想、建立共识以及整合力量、成立中国戏剧家协会河南分会等任务,推动了戏曲界一体化格局的形式,使其纳入国家文艺体制。 The golden period of the reformation of the traditional opera is very important to the development of new Chinese opera,which needs further study urgently.Henan opera is fruitful as a typical success.Henans first traditional Chinese opera festival plays an important role,and it has become the key activities for the further development of Henan opera,which also lays a solid,systematic foundation.The festival is centred on mining,sorting opera heritage and the implementation of the new deal about the innovation of the opera development.First,it made an inspection about the opera reform achievements,and the inspection was examined,discussed by Tian Han,Ma Ke and other experts.They started from seeking the old and new dialectical relations,solving the problem of the opera repertoire,sorting adaptation and respecting tradition,paying more attention to innovation.Modern opera had become the core issue.Aria,acting inherited innovation and the experience was summarized in which Chang Xiangyu and Yan Lipin became leaders.Second,the festival is the new starting point of the theoretical exploration of the opera reform.It is at the height of the summary of the theoretical system of Chinese opera and the western theory of China,summarizing results,putting forward a new proposition,planning opera direction with the goal of mining inheritance and innovation.Ma Ke,Feng Jihan and other people were very farsighted because they explored local opera performance of modern life around Liu Hulan.They determined to respect the law of traditional opera,sustain the characteristics of local operas,and closely combine the tradition with consideration of important trends.This laid theoretical basis for the rise of Henan modern opera.Third,the festival was an important beginning of Henan opera integration.It finished investigating resources,unifying thinking,building consensus,integrating strength,and setting up Henan branch of the Chinese Dramatists Association and other tasks.This promoted the integration pattern of opera and brought it into the national cultural system.
作者 陈宗花
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期94-102,共9页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 河南省社会科学规划项目"非物质文化遗产保护传承的法律 制度及理论 实践创新研究"(2014BYS001)阶段性成果 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目(人文社科)"解放区音乐民族化思潮研究"(2009YBRW029)阶段性成果
关键词 戏改黄金期 河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会 戏曲遗产 戏曲表现现代生活 文艺一体化 opera reform in the golden period Henans first traditional Chinese opera festival opera heritage opera reflecting modern life integration of art and literature
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  • 1《会演大事纪要》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第131页.
  • 2冯纪汉:《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会开幕词》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第4页.
  • 3《关于举行全省首届戏曲观摩演出大会的通知》(〈56〉文艺字第224号),《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第1-2页.
  • 4田汉:《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会开幕式上文化部艺术局长中国戏剧家协会主席田汉同志讲话纪要》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第16页.
  • 5嵇文甫:《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会开幕式上嵇文甫副省长的讲话》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第6页.
  • 6或木:《色彩缤纷引人入胜---看少数剧种的精采(彩)表演》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第78页.
  • 7《会演大事纪要》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第132页.
  • 8冯纪汉:《谈戏曲艺术传统》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第48-50页.
  • 9李紫贵:《史氏体系与中国戏曲的关系---李紫贵同志在大会上的专题报告》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第43-46页.
  • 10田汉:《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会闭幕式上文化部艺术局长、中国戏剧家协会主席田汉同志的讲话》,《河南省首届戏曲观摩演出大会纪念册》,河南省第一届戏曲观摩会演大会编印,1957年,第10-11页.









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