现有的LTE-A系统基带部分多采用DSP+FPGA的平台构架。DSP作为主控制器,完成物理层算法及流程控制;FPGA则作为协处理器,负责数据处理和定时。如何快速实现DSP与FPGA间的命令交互以及数据传输成为亟待解决的问题。对类似平台及DSP与FPGA的各种接口进行了研究,提出了采用EMIFA接口负责DSP与FPGA间的命令交互,利用高速串行接口SRIO实现DSP与FPGA间的数据传输的新方案。对该方案进行板级联合调试以及Modelsim SE环境下的仿真。调试与仿真结果表明,该方案具有较高的可行性和通用性。
Most of the baseband parts in existing LTE systems are using DSP + FPGA platform architecture. As the main controller, DSP completes the algorithm and flow control of physical layer; while as the co - processor, FPGA is in charge of data processing and timing. Rapidly implementing command interaction and data transmission between DSP and FPGA becomes problems that need urgent solution. The similar platform and various interfaces between DSP and FPGA are researched; and the new scheme is proposed, in which external memory interface A ( EMIFA ) is used to take care of command interaction between DSP and FPGA, and the serial rapid IO interface ( SRIO ) is used for data transmission between DSP and FPGA. For this scheme, the beard level joint debugging and sim^a.tion under Modelslm SE environment are conducted; the results show that the proposed scheme possesses high feasibility and universality.
Process Automation Instrumentation