
信息深度加工中介作用下知识团队任务冲突与团队绩效关系研究 被引量:3

The Research on the Relationship Between Task Conflict and Team Performance Under the Mediating Effects of Information Elaboration in Knowledge Teams
摘要 基于信息决策视角,探讨了知识团队任务冲突与团队绩效的关系。通过对74个知识团队455名员工数据进行分析发现,团队任务冲突与信息深度加工和团队绩效均呈倒U型关系;信息深度加工在团队任务冲突与团队绩效的关系中起完全中介作用;共享领导在团队任务冲突与信息深度加工倒U型关系中起正向调节作用。 Drawing on information decision making perspective ,this paper proposes that task conflict has an effect on team performance in knowledge teams .Based on data from 455 employees of 74 knowledge teams ,results showed that task con‐flict has an inverted U‐shaped effect on information elaboration and team performance .Information elaboration fully media‐ted the relationship betw een task conflict and team performance .In addition ,sharing leadership positively moderate the in‐verted U‐shaped relationship betw een task conflict and information elaboration .
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第13期135-140,共6页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71502056) 湖南省社会科学基金项目(14JL03) 湖南省软科学基金项目(2014ZK2034)
关键词 信息深度加工 知识团队 任务冲突 共享领导 团队绩效 Information Elaboration Knowledge Teams Task Conflict Sharing Leadership Team Performance
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