现如今互联网蓬勃发展,云计算技术和各种云端的应用也越来越广泛,其中基础设施即服务Iaa S(Infrastructure as a Service)这种云端服务使用虚拟化技术来达成部署云端服务环境是常用的方式,然而位于同一架构之下的用户虚拟机之间的资料传输以及管理方面的安全问题对于云端服务提供商的管理员而言是一个挑战。文章提出一种建议,为既有虚拟化技术架构提供一种监测方法,通过此种方法来实现用户虚拟服务器之间的资料传输,经过用户授权且受到信任才允许访问以及在允许状况之外的情况发生时,能够发出警告并及时阻止,以防事态扩大。希望通过文章提出的建议方法解决用户之间分享资料时会出现的通讯安全问题,如未经授权的读取、未经授权的连接以及在上述状况发生时,能及时通知管理员以便介入处理。
Nowadays the Internet development is vigorous and the cloud computing technologies are proposed and each kind of cloud computing application is also widespread. The cloud service, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), is often deployed by virtualization technologies. The security issue of data transmission and management between virtual Machines is a big challenge of each cloud service provider.This paper proposes a monitoring method that makes sure the data transmission between virtual Machines authorized and data accessed with trust. Moreover, the system can give the user and the manager warning messages to prevent the insecure situation expansion. We hope our suggestion could solve security problem that appears when users sharing data. For example, the unauthorized accessing and the unauthorized connecting occur and the system can immediately notice the clouds service managers to solve problems. In hope that this paper can really improve the cloud computing security.
Wireless Internet Technology