大理白族本主崇拜是一种很独特的宗教文化现象 ,具有其独特的生存环境。本文从大理特殊的历史文化背景、特有的地缘性村寨组织形式 ,加之隋唐时期大理地区的频繁战乱、土酋林立等历史环境所形成的祖先英雄崇拜形式和宗教心理分析出发 ,阐释了本主崇拜的内外部因素。
The worship of Benzhu (village god) prevalent among Bai people in Dali area is a peculiar religious culture engendered in a peculiar environment. This paper expounds on the internal and external factors for this worship by examining the forms of the ancestral hero worship and the religious psychology that resulted from Dalis special background of history and culture, from its unique forms of geological organization of villages, and furthermore, from its intermittent warfare in Sui and Tang Dynasties and subsequent rampancy of local chieftains. The paper analyzes the basic cultural functions of Benzhu worship and the course of its development.
Journal of Dali Teachers College