
浅谈大学新生教育面临的问题及解决措施 被引量:1

摘要 大学新生教育作为从"家长管教式"的高中向"农场放养式"的大学实现软着陆的重要手段之一,一定程度上决定着新生们未来"成色"的好坏与否。我国尚处于社会主义初级阶段,包括高校新生教育在内的许多教育模式仍在摸索,思想上的保守导致形式的"老化",思想上轻视导致内容的"虚化"。作者们结合自身从教及支教经历,从影响新生教育的不同角色进行思考,高中阶段应重视对即将进入大学新生在基础性、细节性方面的培养,高校方面应借鉴国内外高校优秀经验、紧跟发展潮流、积极改革创新。 As an important measurement to achieve soft landing from "Parental discipline" of high school education to "farm stocking" of university, freshmen education partly determines the future development of the students. Our country is still in the primary stage of socialism, and many educational models are still in the studying and groping stage including freshmen education, conservative ideology causes that the freshmen education that cannot keep up with the trend. At the same time, the freshmen education cannot be treated seriously in ideologically, which causes the impractical learning content. Basing on the authors" experience on education and considering the influence of freshmen education from different roles, we derive a conclusion that the high school should pay more attention to basic and detail education on students who will enter university, and the university should learn expe- rience from outstanding domestic and foreign universities, implement innovating measurements actively and grasp the development trend in real time.
出处 《高教学刊》 2016年第14期136-137,共2页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 江苏省研究生教育教学改革研究与实践课题资助(编号:JGLX14_048)
关键词 新生教育 大学 解决措施 freshmen education university solutions
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