

Analysis of Rheological Properties with High-Temperature of Common Asphalt in Desert Areas
摘要 为研究荒漠地区4种常用沥青流变性能,按照规范采用DSR试验设备对原样沥青的流变参数进行对比分析,得出荒漠地区四种常用沥青流变性能规律。结果表明:相位角δ变化规律排序为:橡胶改性沥青>SBS改性沥青>KLMY 70#>KLMY 90#;复数剪切模量变化规律排序为:橡胶改性沥青>SBS改性沥青>KLMY 90#>KLMY 70#;抗车辙因子G*/sinδ变化规律排序为:橡胶改性沥青>SBS改性沥青>KLMY 70#>KLMY 90#。研究表明,掺入橡胶粉的改性沥青可显著提高沥青的抗剪切的流变性能。研究结果可为荒漠地区高温条件下掺入橡胶粉改性剂的沥青路面提供长寿理论支撑和技术指导。 In order to study the rheological properties of four kinds of asphalt used in desert area,the rheological parameters of the original asphalt were compared and analyzed according to the standard DSR test equipment,and the rheological properties of the four kinds of asphalt used in desert area were obtained.The results show that the phase angle variation of sorting for rubber modified asphalt SBS modified asphaltKLMY 70# KLMY 90#;complex shear modulus of sorting for rubber modified asphaltSBS modified asphaltKLMY 90# KLMY 70#;rutting factor G*/sinδchanges sort for rubber change of asphaltSBS modified asphaltKLMY 70# KLMY 90#.Studies have shown that incorporation of rubber powder modified asphalt can improve asphalt shear rheological properties,research results under high temperature conditions in desert area incorporation of rubber powder modifier of asphalt and longevity roadprovide theoretical support and technical guidance.
作者 沈宁 杨三强
出处 《交通科技与经济》 2016年第3期73-76,共4页 Technology & Economy in Areas of Communications
基金 新疆自治区交通运输厅科技资助项目(201209)
关键词 流变性能 DSR 相位角 复数剪切模量 抗车辙因子 rheological properties DSR phase angle complex shear modulus anti-rutting factor
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