
氮磷添加对苦槠次生林凋落物量及其养分动态的影响 被引量:6

Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition on Litterfall Production and Nutrient Dynamics in a Castanopsis sclerophylla Secondary Forest
摘要 中国是全球高氮沉降区之一,氮沉降对生态系统的结构和功能产生严重影响。为了探讨氮沉降增加对森林生态系统的影响,选择苦槠次生林开展氮磷添加试验,以揭示其凋落物生产及其养分归还对氮磷添加的响应。笔者采用野外模拟试验,设计4种处理,分别为对照(CK)、磷(P)、高氮(HN)和高氮加磷(HN+P),每个处理重复3次。结果表明:通过1年的试验观测,经P、HN、HN+P处理后,年凋落物量分别为8.69、8.11、9.41 t/hm2,明显高于对照林分(7.68 t/hm^2);P、HN、HN+P处理均增加养分归还总量,大小顺序为:HN+P>P>HN>CK,氮磷添加同样增加了N、P、K、Ca、Mg的年归还量,大小顺序为:N>Ca>K>Mg>P。研究表明,氮磷添加均提高林分凋落物量和养分归还量,高氮加磷有助于维持土壤氮磷动态平衡,显著提高凋落物产量。 China is one of the regions with high N deposition in the world. Nitrogen deposition has a serious impact on the structure and function of forest ecosystem. The paper aims to reveal the effects of increasing N deposition on litter production and related nutrient returns in forest ecosystem, an experiment of N and P addition was conducted in a secondary Castanopsis sclerophylla forest. In the field simulated experiment, 4 treatments were designed as CK, P addition(P), high N addition(HN), and high N+P addition(HN+P), with 3 replicates for each treatment. The results from the one- year observation showed that: annual litterfall productions were 8.69, 8.11, and 9.41 t/hm2 for P, HN and HN+P treatment, significantly higher than that of the CK(7.68 t/hm^2). The amount of nutrient returns by litterfall was all increased to some degree due to N and P addition. The order of the total nutrient returns was: HN + PPHNCK. The N and P addition also increased the amount of nutrient returns annually. The N and P addition increased the nutrient elements return in an order of NCaKMgP. These results indicated that N and P addition improved the litterfall quantity and related nutrient return. High N plus P could maintain the balance of soil nitrogen and phosphorus,significantly increase litter productivity.
出处 《中国农学通报》 2016年第19期7-13,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"不同林龄序列亚热带常绿阔叶林地下碳氮耦合循环特点"(31370626) "松材线虫病危害后马尾松林土壤碳氮动态及流域水平氮淋失特点"(31070588) 国家"973"计划项目"人工林地下生态系统碳固持与木材生产权衡关系"(2012CB416905)
关键词 凋落物 养分添加 苦槠 亚热带林 litterfall nutrient addition Castanopsis sclerophylla subtropical forest
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