在现代化进程中 ,民族文化逐步在消亡。这是个让全世界都关注的问题。白族文化面临危机 ,白族语言会不会消失 ?白族风俗习惯会不会在开放中消失 ?白族研究会不会得到重视 ?作者作为在白族地区生活了四年多的外国学者 。
Ethnic culture is declining in the course of modernization. This is a question of international concern. Now that Bai culture is in danger, would Bai language disappear? Would Bai people's customs and habits disappear when exposed to the outside world? Would Bai'ology gain attention? Having stayed over four years in a Bai village, the author expounds his views on these questions.
Journal of Dali Teachers College