目的 观察老年人下肢静脉曲张应用保留小腿段大隐静脉大腿段剥脱术的效果。方法 选取2014年3月-2015年3月本院接收的86例下肢静脉曲张患者,随机分作研究组与传统组,每组43例,分别行大隐静脉大腿段剥脱术联合小腿曲张静脉剥脱术、传统大隐静脉高位结扎及全段剥脱术治疗,比较两组手术效果。结果 研究组患者平均术中失血量、术程、住院时间分别为(30.52±4.23)ml、(45.40±5.65)min、(4.25±0.36)d;传统组分别为(75.23±5.12)ml、(65.55±6.24)min、(12.36±0.42)d,研究组平均术中失血量、术程、住院时间均较传统组少,差异具统计学意义(P〈0.01);研究组并发症发生率与术后1年复发率分别为6.98%与0,传统组分别为23.26%与13.95%,研究组并发症发生率更低,差异具统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 老年下肢静脉曲张应用保留小腿段大隐静脉大腿段剥脱术治疗效果理想,值得应用。
Objective To discuss the clinical efficacy of the lower leg section reserved thigh saphenous vein stripping segment surgical for elderly patients with varicose veins of lower extremity. Methods Selected 86 cases with varicose veins from Mar 2013 to Mar 2014 were randomly divided into study group and the conventional group, each of 43 cases. Study group was treated with the great saphenous vein stripping surgery combined with calf thigh section stripping of varicose veins, and conventional group was treated with the traditional great saphenous vein high ligation and stripping of intact. Clinical efficacy of two groups was compared. Results Study patients mean intraoperative blood loss, surgery process, duration of hospitalization was(30.52 ± 4.23)ml,(45.40 ± 5.65)min,(4.25 ± 0.36)d; conventional group were(75.23 ± 5.12)ml,(65.55 ± 6.24)min,(12.36 ± 0.42)d, and study group mean intraoperative blood loss, surgery process, length of stay less than those of traditional group, statistically significant difference(P〈0.05); Study group postoperative complication rate and 1-year recurrence rates were 6.98% and 0, the traditional group were 23.26% and 13.95%, lower morbidity study group, statistically significant difference(P〈0.05). Conclusion Elderly varicose veins application reserved thigh section of saphenous vein stripping section leg surgical treatment results are satisfactory, worthy applications.
China Continuing Medical Education
Elderly people
Varicose veins
Saphenous vein thigh segment endarterectomy