目的 分析产妇产前出血的相关因素。方法 选取我院产科2012年6月~2014年12月收治190例产前出血患者,对产前出血的相关因素进行调查分析。结果 入选患者中与产科相关因素有156例,其中前置胎盘造成出血的有102例,先兆早产引起的出血有32例,胎盘早剥16例,前置血管出血5例,子宫瘢痕造成出血1例;与产科无关因素有34例,其中宫颈糜烂、宫颈息肉出血18例,尿道出血6例,痔疮出血7例,早期宫颈癌2例,阴道静脉曲张破裂出血1例。结论 前置胎盘、先兆早产、胎盘早剥等诸多因素均可引起产前出血,临床应针对上述因素进行防治。
Objective To analyse the relevant factors of antenatal hemorrhage.Methods To selected 190 cases of patients with antenatal hemorrhage at our hospital from June 2012 to December 2014,to investigated and analysed the relevant factors of antenatal hemorrhage. Results The obstetric factors was 156 cases of the included patients,the bleeding caused by placenta previa was 102 cases,the bleeding caused by threatened premature labor was 32 cases,the abruptio placentae was 16 cases,the bleeding caused by previa blood vessel was 5 cases,the bleeding caused by uterine scar was 1 cases. The irrelevant factors of obstetrics was 34 cases,the cervical erosion and cervical polyp bleeding was 18 cases,urethrorrhagia was 6 cases, hemorrhoidal bleeding was 7 cases,the early stage cervical carcinoma was 2 cases,the vagina varicesbleeding was 1 case.Conclusion The placenta previa,threatened premature labor,abruptio placentae and many factors able to cause the antenatal hemorrhage,the clinical treatment should aim at the above factors.
China Health Standard Management
Relevant factor
Antenatal hemorrhage
Placenta previa