
东北三种典型针叶树种可燃物烘干参数的确定及影响因素分析 被引量:6

Determination of Drying Parameters of Combustible Materials of Three Typical Coniferous Species in Northeast China and Analysis of the Influenc Factors
摘要 本文拟通过室内控制试验确定对于不同样品采取什么样的烘干温度及时间,才能保证又快又好的完成样品的室内烘干处理。本文通过具体实验得出东北三种典型针叶树种(红松、樟子松、落叶松)在不同的湿度条件(100%、80%、60%、40%、20%)、时滞条件(1、10、100时滞)以及不同部位(树皮、树叶、地被物)在105℃下的烘干时间。使用正交实验法研究可知,红松所需要的烘干时间明显高于其他两种植物,排序为:红松>樟子松>落叶松,就时滞条件而言,烘干时间排序为100时滞>10时滞>1时滞,就植物部位而言,需要的烘干时间为:树皮>地被物>树叶。正交实验的结果可知,红松在100时滞条件下的树皮部分所需要的烘干时间最长,影响因素的大小依次为:时滞条件>植物部位>植物品种。 The indoor control test was conducted to determine the drying temperature and drying time for various samples in order to ensure fast and good drying treatment for sample chambers. In this paper, different treatments including humidity conditions( 100%,80%,60%,40%,20%),delay conditions( 1- h time- lag,10- h time- lag,100- h time- lag) and plant parts( bark,leaves,ground covers) under 105℃ were applied in three typical conifer species( Pinus koraiensis,Pinus sylvestris,larch) in the northeast region. The orthogonal experiment showed that Pinus koraiensis required more drying time compared with the other two plants and the order was: Pinus koraiensis Pinus sylvestris larch. In terms of time lag,the order of drying time was: 100- h time- lag 10- h time- lag 1- h time- lag. With regard to the plant parts,the order of drying time required was: bark ground covers leaves. The orthogonal experimental results showed that,the barks of Pinus koraiensis under 100- h time- lag required the longest drying time,and the order of influencing factors was: time lag plant parts plant varieties.
作者 程艺龙 孙龙
出处 《森林工程》 2016年第4期22-27,共6页 Forest Engineering
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项(201404402)
关键词 针叶树种 烘干时间 时滞 影响因素 coniferous tree species drying time time lag influenc factors
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