

Protein profile of buffalo sperms with its bioinformatics analysis
摘要 以水牛为研究对象,应用SDS-PAGE电泳分离和LTQ-Orbitrap高分辨率组合式质谱构建水牛精子蛋白质图谱,鉴定出了1 074个精子蛋白质。用生物信息学手段对水牛精子蛋白质进行GO分类,其中参与细胞代谢的蛋白质所占比例最大,说明了成熟精子进行着旺盛的代谢活动,为其受精等活动提供能量准备。生物信息学分析结果显示,参与翻译后修饰的蛋白质有36%,说明成熟的精子在RNA转录和翻译水平上基本处于沉默状态时,主要靠蛋白质的翻译后修饰来实现细胞的功能。本试验为水牛精子细胞增殖发育研究、提高水牛精子活力以及受精机理研究提供了新的手段和信息。 This experiment utilized buffalo,a characteristic species in Gunagxi autonomous region,as material.1DSDS-PAGE and LTQ-Orbitrap were applied to analyze the protein profile of buffalo sperm.In this study,there were 1 074 buffalo sperm proteins identified.The proteins were categorized through gene ontology(GO)annotations which show that proteins taking part in cell metabolism have largest percentage.The metabolism could provide enough energy to support sperms activity.36% proteins were identified join in post-translational modification,indicating that mature sperm realizes its function mainly dependent on proteins post-translational modification when RNA transcription and translation is in repressed state.This research of the proteins in buffalo sperm will provide a new method and information for investigating the development reproduction of sperm,improvement of the sperm motility and the fertilization mechanism.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1229-1233,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(3116041) 广西自然科学基金资助项目(2014GXNSFAA118134) 广西水牛遗传繁育重点实验室开放课题(SNKF-2013-02)
关键词 水牛 精子 蛋白质组 GO分析 buffalo sperm proteomics GO annotations analysis
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