Detonation velocities of unconventional emulsion explosives containing epispastic polystyrene (EPS) micro- balloons were studied experimentally and theoretically. Fine-particle lithium and zinc oxides have been prepared by the detonation of emulsion explosives of the metal nitrates, M (NO3) x (M = Li, Zn) as oxidizers and paraffin as fuels, at a low velocity. For the calculations in which the first set of decomposition products is assumed, predicted heats of detonation of emulsion explosives with the product H2O in the gas phase have a deviation of 586 kJ/kg from results with the product H2O in the liquid state. The results obtained enable a comparison of the usefulness of both calculating and measuring methods. The influence of lithium and zinc nitrates contained in the emulsion matrix on the detonation velocities of the explosives was discussed.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China coal joint fund key projects "Large section roadway fast driving and supporting basic research (no. 51134012) " and the Anhui Provincial Program for the Tack- ling Key Problem (07010302189) and the Program for the Provincial Innovation Research and Development of Anhui Mili- tary and Civilian Projects (Anhui Provincial Financial Enterprises [2013] 1202) . And the authors are grateful to the Anhui Provincial Educational Office Key Program (KJ2010A102) .
emulsion explosives
EPS micro-balloons
nitrates with metal ions
detonation velocity