
BIM可视化辅助下的隧道病害决策分析 被引量:14

Tunnel Defect Decision Analysis Using BIM Visualization
摘要 运管人员不仅要在隧道病害发生后制定合理的维护方案,还需对病害进行分析,以此来不断完善日常运维计划。但由于隧道组件之间有着复杂的相互作用和依附关系,加剧了病害分析的难度。集成建筑全生命周期所有信息的建筑信息模型(BIM)为此项工作展开提供了可能。本文将隧道监测及维护数据与BIM数据库相结合,并用时空数据挖掘技术和高维时空关联分析方法分析各组件以及病害之间的关系。最后,评估病害的危险等级、成因,制定决策方案。期间,所有资产和监测信息创建自定义可视化,通过交互界面引导运管人员运用探索式思维去展开隧道维护工作。 Transportation management staff not only need to develop a reasonable program of maintenance in the tunnel after the occurrence of defects, but also need to analyze them in order to constantly improve the daily operation and maintenance plan. However, due to complex interactions and dependency of the tunnel components, , the difficulty of defect analysis increased. Building Information Model (BIM) can realize the integration of all information during the whole life cycle of buildings and thus can make this work come true. In this paper, we combine the tunnel monitoring and maintenance data with BIM data base, using the method of spatiotemporal data mining technology and high-dimensional space-time correlation to analyze the relationship between various components and defects. Finally, the paper evaluates the causes and risk levels and works out decision -making plan. All assets and monitoring information create user-defined visualization and interactive interface guides transportation management personnel to carry out tunnel maintenance with innova- tive thinking.
出处 《土木建筑工程信息技术》 2015年第6期31-36,共6页 Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture
基金 上海市科委重点项目"大数据专项"(编号:13511504803) 上海市国资委重大科研项目(编号:2014008)
关键词 视觉分析 BIM 病害 Visual Analysis BIM Defect
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