
危险货物包装检测关键点分析与质量控制 被引量:3

Critical Point Analysis and Quality Control of Dangerous Goods Packaging Inspection
摘要 目的控制危险货物包装检测关键点来保证性能检验质量。方法根据危险货物包装种类并结合其性能检验过程中的难点,逐一对其6项常规性能测试指标进行分析。结果归纳和提炼了危险货物包装检测的关键点并在实际检测工作中加以应用。结论对于危险货物包装检验鉴定机构以及生产企业做好产品质量检验具有较强的现实指导意义。 Controlling the testing key point to the packing of dangerous goods is an effective way to ensure the quality of performance inspection. According to the type of dangerous goods packaging and the difficulties in the inspection process of the performance tests, through analyzing the six performance testing projects, the critical points for the testing of dangerous goods packaging were inducted and refined. At the same time, the control was effectively used in the actual tests. This work has a strong practical significance to the inspection institutions and producer, in order to enhance the quality inspection of dangerous goods packaging products.
出处 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期81-85,共5页 Packaging Engineering
基金 浙江检验检疫局重点科技计划(2015-ZKZ-10)
关键词 危险货物 包装检测 关键控制点 dangerous goods packaging test critical control point
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