
旅游目的地间共生的市场驱动机制研究 被引量:14

Market Dynamic Mechanisms in the Symbiosis between Tourist Destinations
摘要 旅游目的地共生机制是一个基础性课题,基于旅游者需求视角探究目的地共生,意义重大。文章基于认知、情感、行为三者间的逻辑思辨关系,构筑市场驱动机制的结构模型,以长沙居民对"韶山—花明楼"共生目的地系统的态度为调查对象,使用问卷工具以抽样调查获得基础数据,采用结构方程模型分析得到结论:第一,对成本比较和价值比较的认知借助情感的中介影响行为意向的形成,这是旅游者对目的地间共生的需求产生的机制;第二,旅游者的价值认知通过情感的中介影响行为意向,这是"一同游览目的地"的市场需求产生的主要作用路径;第三,旅游者的成本认知通过情感的中介影响行为意向是"一同游览目的地"的市场需求产生的次要作用路径。 This is an era of tourism destination symbiosis. With the further development of the tourism industry being profoundly influenced by the development of a rapid transit system, the relationship between tourism destinations is in competition and cooperation, which is complicated daily. Many destinations have proved to be in a system of symbiosis. However, theoretical research on the symbiosis mechanism in tourist destinations is lacking. This basic subject needs to be studied. The study of the symbiosis mechanism in tourist destinations from the tourists' perspective is of great research significance. Tourist destination symbiosis is a type of decision making. Strictly speaking, tourism destination symbiosis is a decision many tourism destination-related stakeholders make by considering their self- interests, which are the basis of the formation of tourism destination symbiosis. There are two paths for the investigation of the symbiosis benefits for tourist destinations: First, the decision makers' symbiosis formation, mainly to identify how all kinds of decision makers generate their symbiosis intentions at the cognitive level of earning profit. Second, the stimulus level of the symbiotic condition, based on the tourists' demand for symbiosis between tourism destinations; in other words, how tourists form their behavior intentions with the systematic cognition of costs paid and value obtained, which is the basis for many stakeholders' decisions. This paper speculates about the logical relationships between cognition, emotion, and behavior intentions, and constructs a structural model of the market dynamics. The Shaoshan and Huaminglou joint line is used as case study. A questionnaire is used to obtain data about the Changsha residents' cognitive appraisal of the joint line. The test of the variables, cost cognition and value cognition, proved to be true. Then, after classifying the data by whether a tourist had been to Shaoshan and Huaminglou previously or not, Amos 20.0 softveare was used to fit the preset model, and SPSS 20.0 software was used to test the mediating effect. This paper draws the following conclusions: First, the cognition of cost and value has effects on behavioral intention formation through the intermediary variable of emotion, which is the mechanism of tourist demand for the symbiosis between destinations. Second, the tourists' cognitive value has effects on their behavioral intention through the intermediary variable of emotion, which is the main path to the market demand for touring scenic spots at any one time. Third, the tourists' cognitive cost has effects on their behavioral intention through the intermediary variable of emotion, which is the least important path. Finally, we propose the enlightenment of tourism destination management about tourism destination symbiosis. Tourists' acceptance of destinations is the basis of the symbiosis between destinations. The systematic changes in tourists' cognitive values and costs are the driving force of symbiosis between destinations. The management departments of scenic destinations should give greater weight to their evaluation of the tourists' cognitive value while making strategic decisions to raise the number of tourists visiting the destination. Destination managers should also attach greater importance to the cultivation of tourists' positive emotions about the tourism destination.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期96-105,共10页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家社科基金项目"红色旅游的共生发展机理及其绩效评价研究"(12BJY128) 湖南省教育厅高校科研重点项目"旅游业态体系及其演化的理论研究"(15A123)资助~~
关键词 旅游目的地间共生 驱动机制 旅游者需求 symbiosis between tourist destinations market dynamic mechanisms tourists' demand
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