
专车服务运营模式及其规制 被引量:1

The operation mode and rules of special car service
摘要 专车是"互联网+"经济模式在公共交通领域的体现,滴滴专车通过订立四方合同以相对合法身份进入汽车营运市场,当前对于这种合同形式的合法性仍未有定论。应认定滴滴专车四方合同的合法性,同时将专车纳入监管,从打车平台软件、私家车、保险及传统出租车等方面对专车服务运营模式进行规制,以保障专车服务的顺利发展。 The special car is the embodiment of Internet + economic mode in the public transportation field. The Didi special ear enters the ear operation market with its relative legal identity by signing the contract with the four parties. However, the legality of the contract is unsettled at present. This paper holds the view that the legality of Didi's contract with the four parties should be confirmed and the special car should be supervised and its operation mode concerning carhailing platform software, private car, insurance and the traditional taxi, etc. should conform to the law and regulations.
作者 项婵娟
机构地区 安徽大学法学院
出处 《新余学院学报》 2016年第4期25-28,共4页 Journal of Xinyu University
关键词 专车 四方合同 互联网+ 共享经济 special car four party - contract ]nternet + shared economy
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