
大学转型的本质是文化转型 被引量:10

The Essence of University Transformation is Cultural Transformation
摘要 大学的转型是一种文化的转型,是一种新的大学信念和大学身份的确立。众创时代中国大学的文化转型较集中地反映在大学的创业文化、质量文化、学术文化和引领文化等方面。大学创业文化处在大学发展的时代前沿,贯穿大学教育全过程,从高教供给侧角度成为整个社会创业文化的关键环节;大学学术文化围绕创业文化既展示了发现的、整合的、应用的和教学的四类学术的丰富性,同时又自觉服务于大学创业教育的目标;根据新的创业文化和学术文化理念,大学教育质量提升的主要途径便是经由有形和无形的文化知识的创造,培养具有创业素养的学生;经过大学自觉的文化创造,大学的创业文化、学术文化和质量文化上升并"飞跃"到更高层次的引领文化。在引领社会文化发展中,大学实现了自己的文化使命,完成了最终转型。 University transformation is either a kind of transformation of culture or a new university belief' and the establishment of the university identity. In the era of crowd innovation, the cultural essence and connotation of Chinese universities is more concentrated in the university's entrepreneurial culture, quality culture, academic culture as well as leading culture and other aspects. The university's entrepreneurial culture is at the time forefront of the university development, and throughout the whole process of university education. From the perspective of supply side of higher education, the university's entrepreneurial culture has become the key link of the whole social entrepreneurship culture. Around the entrepreneurial culture, university's academic culture not only shows its discovery, integration, application and teaching richness of the four types of academic, but also serves the goal of university entrepreneurship education. According to the new entrepreneurial culture and the concept of academic culture, through the creation of tangible and intangible cultural knowledge, and cultivate the students with entrepreneurial literacy is the main way to improve the quality of university education. After the university culture creation consciously, the university's entrepreneurial culture, academic culture and quality culture rise and "leap" to a higher level, which is leading culture. In leading the development of social culture, the university has realized its own cultural mission, and completed the final transformation.
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期67-72,共6页 China Higher Education Research
基金 四川地方本科院校转型发展研究团队(2015-2017年)资金资助
关键词 大学文化转型 创业文化 学术文化 质量文化 引领文化 university culture transformation entrepreneurial culture academic culture quality culture leading culture
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