
美国大学科研人才创业保障机制及其启示 被引量:19

The Science and Technology Talent Entrepreneurship Guarantee Mechanism in the United States
摘要 美国大学的创业活动经历了大学创办衍生企业到科技人员自己创办公司的过程。为保障科技人才创业活动,政府出台专利法案,进行法律保障;大学为科研人才提供创业服务、资金支持、制度保障,允许科技人才持有独占性许可,为科技人才创业提供竞争性保障等。科研人才创业经历了从最初的不被支持到大学进行全面保障的历程。结合我国实际,可以从高校管理制度上保障科技人员创业;完善平台建设,为科技人员创业提供专业服务保障;完善创业资金的配置与管理,保障经费落实等方面进行完善。 American university's startup activities had experienced a process from university establishing spin-offs to scientific research talents starting companies. In order to create favorable conditions for those talents, American government issues patent acts to ensure their legal rights; universities provide them business services, financial support, competitive security and corresponding systems and allow them to possess exclusive license. From America's startup practices in universities, we can learn how to help scientific research talents start companies in our country. For one thing, we should improve university management system and platform construction and provide professional services for scientific talents. For another, the configuration and management of venture capital should be perfected and the implementation of special funds ought to be ensured.
作者 付强 王玲
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期85-90,共6页 China Higher Education Research
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“民办普通高校师资队伍发展困境、制度缺陷与对策研究”(BIA140109) 山东省社科规划项目“生态学视阈下山东省民办高校成长机制研究”(14CJYJ04)的研究成果
关键词 美国 科研人才 创业 保障机制 the United States scientific research personnel entrepreneurship security mechanism
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