
新型医学本科生导师制在重症医学专业教学中的效果评价 被引量:5

New type of medical undergraduate tutorial system in intensive medicine teaching effect assessment
摘要 目的评价新型医学本科生导师制在重症医学专业教学效果,探讨导师制改革措施,推广应用。方法采用随机对照方法,连续3届共320名重症医学专业学生分别采用改进新型导师制与传统导师制进行教学,每组160名,对2组学生围绕教学效果进行问卷调查,了解学生对导师感受、看法,征求对导师制的改进建议;统计学生毕业时全国执业医师考试理论、技能操作考试成绩,了解学生理论、临床实践操作能力提高情况;各级各类科研立项数、发表科研论文篇数、考取研究生人次等,了解学生科研能力提高情况,评估新型导师制教学效果。结果问卷调查显示,96.78%的学生认为新型导师制有实施必要性并对提升自身学习有帮助,对新型导师制兴趣更高。与传统导师制教学相比,新型医学本科导师制学生全国执业医师理论考试成绩(71.26±3.57 vs.85.38±7.13,P<0.05)、全国执业医师技能考试成绩(69.26±5.01 vs.81.26±5.01,P<0.05),2组差异有统计学意义,学生临床理论水平、独立操作能力明显提高,科研立项数量、发表文章篇数、硕士研究生上线人数均明显高于接受传统导师制学生,2组比较差异有统计学意义,学生科研意识、能力提升。结论改进后新型导师制方法正确,措施得力,可有效提高学生临床理论水平,锻炼实践操作能力,独立工作能力强,并可培养学生科研思维能力,学生学习兴趣高,临床教学效果好,可在教学中推广应用。 Objective To evaluate of new medical undergraduate tutorial system in the intensive medical professional teaching effect, tutor system reform measures , popularization and application. Methods This research adopts randomized controlled method, three consecutive terms, a total of 320 students, respectively, with the improved new tutorial system and tutorial system in traditional teaching, each group of 160, a questionnaire survey was conducted on two groups of students around the teaching effect, to understand student feelings, opinions, ask for the tutorial system improvement suggestions ; Statistics students graduate with the national examination of medical practitioners theory, operation skills examination re- suits,understand a student theory, clinical practice ability raise; At various levels and of the scientific research project number,the number of published research papers, examination for graduate student passengers, etc. To understand the student scientific research ability raises and evaluates the tutor system teaching effect. Results Questionnaire survey showed that 96.78% students think new tutor system implementation necessity and help to raise their learning, interested in new tutorial system is higher. Compared with the traditional tutorial system teaching, mentoring new medical undergrad uate students to the theory of medical practitioners examination results(71.26 ± 3.57 vs. 85.38 ± 7.13 ,P 〈 0. 05 ), the national medical skills test scores(69.26 ± 5. O1 vs. 81.26 ± 5.01, P 〈 0.05), the difference between the two groups is obvious, the student theory, independent operation ability, the paper number, the number of published articles, the online number of postgraduate, were significantly higher than the traditional tutorial system of students, comparing the two groups have significant differences, students' scientific research consciousness and ability to ascend. Conclusion The improved new tutorial system correctly, measures strength,which can effectively improve the level of students' clinical theory, exer cise practice ability, the ability to work independently, and can cultivate students' scientific thinking ability, students' learning interest is high, the clinical teaching effect is good, can be applied in the teaching.
出处 《中华全科医学》 2016年第9期1571-1573,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practice
基金 湖北省教育科学"十二五"规划课题(2011B507)
关键词 导师制 重症医学 教学效果 Tutorial system Crit Care Med Teaching resuh
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