With extraordinary deliberation, the online journal Protein & Cell published Huang Junjiu and his colleagues~ research of "Crispr/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes", which has raised ethical controversies to the field of gene editing technology especially in human germ cell and embryos. This paper discussed the ethical problems caused by Dr. Huang's research in CRISPR-based gene editing technology in tripronuclear zygotes and human embryos, analyzed the should be consequences of making infant or designer baby lead by this gene editing technology, commented on the ethical debates in domestic and abroad perspectives, criticized the irrational view of "do first, talk later". It addressed that we should regulate the related researches. In the current immature phase of technology development, we should not conduct the basic research of gene editing in human germ cells and embryos at will, especially the clinical research.
Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition