设计并仿真实现了一款高线性、高效率Doherty功率放大器,该功率放大器工作频率为3.35 GHz。为了提高Doherty功率放大器的线性度,本文所设计Doherty功率放大器充分利用了载波功放和峰值功放的三阶交调分量(IM3)相互抵消的原理来提高功率放大器的线性度。本文设计采用两枚Cree公司生产的6 W Ga N HEMT晶体管CGH40006P进行仿真验证,仿真结果证明:在所设计频率点3.35 GHz,IM3<-30 d Bc。
A linear high-efficiency Doherty Power Amplifier(PA) operating at 3.35 GHz is presented. The cancellation principle of the Third-order Intercept Point(IM3) in Doherty technique is adopted in order to improve the linearity of the proposed Doherty amplifier. The Doherty amplifier employs two 6 W GaN HEMT transistors namely CGH40006P from Cree to validate the proposed principle. The results shows that at the design frequency point 3.35 GHz, IM3〈-30 dBc.
Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology