目的:就静张应力对大鼠髁突软骨细胞增殖效应调节进行研究。方法:对SD大鼠下颌髁突软骨细胞予以培养,分别在小牛血清浓度为15%、5%的DMEM培养基中培养第4代髁突软骨细胞0h、6h、12h后,对其DNA含量予以测定;分别在静张应力为10k Pa、5k Pa的DMEM培养基中培养第4代髁突软骨细胞0h、2h、4h、6h、8h、10h、12h后,对其DNA含量予以测定。结果:当静张应力为15k Pa时,随着培养时相的延长,大鼠髁突软骨细胞的PI指数也同样呈现出"先逐步上升、后又下降"的趋势,但是下降的起始时间要比静张应力为5k Pa时更早,在4~12h时的PI指数与对照组存在着较为明显的差异,具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:髁突软骨细胞的增殖活性能够被静张应力所调节,值得推广应用。
Objective: To study the effects of static tension- stress on proliferation of MCC of rats. Methods:Mandibular condylar chondrocyte cells of SD rats were cultivated. The fourth- passage chondrocytes in the DMEM medium which calf serum concentration was 15% 、5%,respectively for 0h、6h、12h,and then the content of DNA was tested. Results: When the static tension- stress was 15 k Pa,with the extension of incubation time,the PI index of MCC also presented "upgrade firstly and then dropped",but the start time of falling was earlier than the time of static tension- stress 5k Pa. PI index of 4 ~ 12 h existed significant difference compared with the control group with significant statistics( P〈0. 05). Conclusion: Proliferation activity of MCC can be regulated by static tension- stress,which is worthy of popularizing and applying.
Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy