
关于当前国有企业混合所有制改革的探索——基于宏观、中观、微观层面的分析 被引量:1

Mixed Ownership Reform of State Owned Enterprises and Construction of Socialist Mixed Economic System
摘要 社会主义混合经济体制与西方混合经济体制是有着本质区别的。从理论和实践的角度来看,进一步完善社会主义混合经济体制是我国现阶段国有企业混合所有制改革沿着正确方向前进的关键,适应市场经济的国有资产管理体制又是构建社会主义混合经济体制的重要制度基础,建立完善规范的现代公司治理机制则是现阶段中国国有企业发展混合所有制经济、吸引调和不同类型资本在同一企业融合发展的核心。社会主义混合经济体制不仅要在宏观层面坚持公有制为主体多种所有制经济共同发展,而且还要完善规范发展企业法人中不同所有制性质资本共营的微观混合经济。适应市场经济的国有资产管理体制需要完善法治基础、构建新型政企关系和良好的配套条件,以促进国有资本与其他资本的混合和国有资本保值增值。建立现代公司治理机制需要在混合所有制企业中建立规范的公司运营制度和组织架构,以及促进公司治理机制的良好外部环境。 There are essential differences between socialist mixed economic system and western mixed economic system. From the theoretical and practical point of view,to further improve the socialist mixed economic system is the key to the reform of our state-owned enterprises in the right direction.The state- owned assets management system which is adapt to the market economy is an important system foundation for the construction of the socialist mixed economic system.To establish and perfect the standard Modern Corporation governance mechanism is the core both of China's state-owned enterprises' development of the mixed ownership economy at the present stage, and the attraction of the different types of capital in the same enterprise.The socialist mixed economic system not only to adhere to public ownership as the main body of an economy with common development of diverse forms of ownership in the naacro level, but also perfect and standardize the development of micro mixed economy with Enterprise Legal Person of different ownership capital operating together.Socialist mixed economic system should insist on public ownership as the main body of a variety of ownership economy development. To adapt to the market economy, the state- owned asset management system needs to improve the rule of law foundation, build a new type of relationship between government and enterprises, and good matching conditions, in order to promote the mixture of state-owned capital and other capital and the value of state-owned capital preservation and appreciation. The establishment of the Modern Corporation governance mechanism needs to establish a standardized corporate operating system and organizational structure in the mixed ownership enterprises, as well as to promote the good external environment of corporate governance mechanism.
作者 黄华
出处 《未来与发展》 2016年第7期8-12,47,共6页 Future and Development
关键词 混合经济 社会主义混合经济体制 国有资产管理体制 现代公司治理机制 mixed economy, socialist mixed economic system, state owned assets management system,modern corporation governance mechanism
  • 相关文献



  • 1《中国统计年鉴》(2007).北京:中国统计出版社,2008年.第60页表3-4.
  • 2《中国经济年鉴》(2000),第54页,中国统计出版社.
  • 3《中国共产党第十一届中央委员会第三次全体会议文件》,人民出版社1978年版,第4页.
  • 4《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》,见《十二大以来重要文献选编》(中),中央文献出版社2011年版,第65-67页.
  • 5《沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路前进》,见《十三大以来重要文献选编》(上),人民出版社1993年12月第1版,第28、31页.
  • 6《中国共产党新时期简史》,中共党史出版社2009年版,第17-21页.
  • 7《中国统计年鉴》(1988),中国统计出版社1988年版.
  • 8根据《新中国五十年统计资料汇编》有关数据计算,统计出版社2005年版.
  • 9《改革开放五十年:从历史走向未来》,人民出版社2008年版,第19页.
  • 10《加快政策开放和社会主义现代化建设步伐,夺取有中国特色社会主义事业的更大胜利》,见《十四大以来主要文献选编》(上人民出版社1999年版,第2-21页.












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