目的对比分析某军队医院军队医改、基本医保、外地医保和自费四种不同付费方式工作量、医疗费用、病种、工作效率的差异,探讨不同付费方式对医院经济的影响,提出军队医院发展的对策建议。方法通过"军字一号"系统采集数据,利用Excel 2010和SPSS 16.0软件进行统计分析。结果某军队医院外地医保患者最多,次均费用最高;军队医改患者最少,与基本医保患者次均费用基本相当。军队医改患者平均住院日最长,药占比最低。结论不同付费方式对医院经济结构产生不同影响,应当加快军队医院支付制度改革,将军队医院纳入地方公立医院改革,并强化医院自身管理,促进军队医院的发展。
Objective To compare the quantity , expenditure , disease entities and efficiency of inpatients with different payment modes:military medical reform , basic medical insurance , non-local medical insurance and self-supporting , to analyze the effects on hospital economy and to put forward some proposals for the hospital to a-dapt to the new medical reform .Methods Collecting data from HIS of the hospital and analyzing the data statisti-cally by using Excel 2010 and SPSS16.0.Results The quantity and average expenditure of the patients who pay by non-local medical insurance is the highest among the four payment types .The average expenditure of the pa-tients who pay by military medical reform is close to those by the basic medical insurance , and their average dura-tion of hospital stays is the longest while the drug proportion is the lowest .Conclusion Different payment modes have effects on the economic structure of the hospital .The reform of the military payment modes and integration of the military hospital into the local medicine system should be carried out as quickly as possible .
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
payment mode
disease entities
medical expenditure