:《毛诗序》和钟嵘《诗品序》中“吟咏情性”的差异是 :1、“情”的内涵差异 ;2、抒情方式不同 ;3、抒情目的不同 ;4、各自不同而又鲜明的时代印记。通过比较得出二者在中国古代文学批评史上诗歌抒情性本质特征的整合和凸现过程中的重要作用。
In this articl,the Views of Mao Shi Pai and Zhong Rong on poetry are compared in four aspects such as the emotions contained,the ways to convey emotions the aims and the different but clear-cut marks on times.Therefore,the importance came to light for both to reveal the poems' essence in the criticism history of poetry.
Journal of Jindongnan Teachers College