
糖尿病高危人群生活方式干预评价量表的研究及应用 被引量:3

Research and application:scale of knowledge, attitude, and behavior of lifestyle intervention in a diabetes high-risk population
摘要 日益增多的高危人群是近30年来我国糖尿病迅猛增长的重要原因,而以膳食不合理、身体活动不足、超重肥胖等糖尿病的危险因素为靶点,进行针对性、个体化的干预,可以有效预防糖尿病。使用量表在干预前后对干预对象相关知识、态度、行为的测评,可作为干预需求和效果的评价指标。量表的研发以科学和实用为基本要求,其理论依据和测量内容应符合行为改变理论,对科学研究认可的干预内容进行规范化、精细化测量,应具有良好的效度、信度和可接受性。中国CDC慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心研发并获得了性能良好的“糖尿病高危人群生活方式干预知识、态度、行为评价量表,量表的使用可提高我国高危人群通过生活方式干预预防糖尿病的针对性和科学性。今后,高危人群干预评价量表的研发,应追寻新的问题需求及不同人群特点,研发新量表,修改或简化原有量表,并将测量维度扩展至对行为改变的障碍因素和支持环境等方面。 There is a large population at high risk for diabetes in China, and there has been a dramatic increase in the incidence of diabetes in the country over the past 30 years. Interventions targeting the individual risk factors of diabetes can effectively prevent diabetes; these include factors such as an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, overweight, and obesity, among others. Evaluation of related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors before and after intervention using appropriate scales can measure population demands and the effectiveness of interventions. Scientificity and practicability are basic requirements of scale development. The theoretical basis and measuring items of a scale should be consistent with the theory of behavior change and should measure the content of interventions in a standardized and detailed manner to produce good validity, reliability, and acceptability. The scale of knowledge, attitude, and behavior of lifestyle intervention in a diabetes high-risk population is a tool for demand evaluation and effect evaluation of lifestyle intervention that has good validity and reliability. Established by the National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, its use can help to decrease the Chinese population at high risk for diabetes through targeted and scientifically sound lifestyle interventions. Future development of intervention evaluation scales for useing in high-risk populations should consider new factors and characteristics of the different populations, to develop new scales and modify or simplify existing ones, as well as to extend the measurement dimensions to barriers and supporting environment for behaviors change.
作者 王文绢
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期569-572,共4页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 糖尿病 干预性研究 量表 Diabetes mellitus Intervention studies Scale
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