
微型腹腔镜下一期隐睾下降固定术的临床价值 被引量:2

The clinical value of the mini-laparoscopic one-stage orchiopexy in the treatment of cryptorchidism
摘要 目的:探讨微型腹腔镜一期治疗隐睾的临床价值。方法:总结分析2013年10月至2015年10月为42例隐睾患儿采用微型腹腔镜行隐睾下降固定术的临床资料。术后随访3-8个月,平均(5±2)个月。结果:42例隐睾患儿均一期治愈,无中转开放病例。无输精管损伤及睾丸扭转、睾丸坏死及萎缩,无切口疝发生,切口基本不留疤痕。手术时间20-40 min,平均(30±5)min;术中出血量3-5 ml,平均(4±1)ml;住院3-5 d,平均(4±1)d;结论:微型腹腔镜隐睾下降固定术手术操作简单、可行,一期手术成功率高,并发症少,可同时处理对侧腹股沟疝及隐匿疝,术中出血量少,手术时间短,术后住院时间短,切口美观,创伤小,康复快。微型腹腔镜一期隐睾下降固定术对不同类型隐睾均有良好效果。 Objective: To investigate the clinical value of the one-stage mini-laparoscopy in the treatment of cryptorchidism.Methods: The clinical data of 42 children who suffered from cryptorchidism and underwent mini-laparoscopic orchiopexy from Oct. 2013 to Oct. 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were followed up for( 5 ± 2) months( range 3 to 8 months). Results: All the 42 children with cryptorchidism were cured in one-stag without conversion to open surgery. No complications occurred,such as vas deferens damage,testicular torsion,testicular necrosis,atrophy or incision hernia,no obvious incision scar was found. Operation time was( 30 ±5) min( range,20-40 min),intraoperative blood loss was( 4 ± 1) ml( range 3 to 5 ml),the hospital stay was( 4 ± 1) d( range 3 to 5 d). Conclusions: The mini-laparoscopic one-stage orchiopexy is simple,feasible,mini-invasive,has advantages of high success rate of one-stage operation,few complications and intraoperative blood loss,short operation time and hospital stay,cosmetic incision,rapid recovery,and can simultaneously process the contralateral inguinal hernia and hidden hernia. The mini-laparoscopic one-stage orchiopexy is effective for different types of cryptorchidism.
出处 《腹腔镜外科杂志》 2016年第6期460-462,共3页 Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
关键词 隐睾 一期 下降固定术 微型 腹腔镜检查 Cryptorchidism One-stage Orchiopexy Mini Laparoscopy
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