The subprime crisis of the US in 2008 has sparked reflection on asset securitization. Whileasset securitization has been in existence for years, its history in China has been quite short.However, with the deepening of its financial reform, China is expected to see breakthroughs inasset securitization in terms of both size and types of securitized assets in the coming ten years.In this article, we compare the history, main products, models of operation and regulation ofasset securitization in the US, Europe and Japan, and, on that basis, propose China's futurepath of asset securitization. Main conclusions include: First, inadequate liquidity in thefinancial market is behind the decision to develop asset securitization; second, besides suchgeneral products as MBS, ABS and CDO, there have also been products that cater to localmarkets in the US, Europe and Japan; third, the US, Europe and Japan have had differentmodels of asset securitization; in the US, it is an off-balance sheet model; in Europe, it is anon-balance sheet model; and in Japan, there coexist two models: the special-purpose vehiclemodel and the trust bank model; last but not least, the regulatory patterns of assetsecuritization are starkly different: the US takes an umbrella regulatory model; the UK takes abimodal regulatory model; and Japan takes a unified regulatory model.
International Economic Review