
血尿酸水平及生活环境因素与帕金森病的相关性 被引量:11

Serum uric acid and lifestyle factors associated with the risk of Parkinson's disease
摘要 目的 研究血尿酸水平及相关生活环境因素与帕金森病发病风险的关系。方法采用病例对照研究,按照性别及年龄1:1匹配,入组病例组及对照组各397例,采用问卷调查方式,收集人口学以及吸烟、饮酒、运动等生活环境信息,并采集生化样本资料,分析血尿酸水平及其环境因素联合作用下对帕金森病发病风险的影响。结果较高的血尿酸水平能降低帕金森病发病风险(OR=0.39,95%C10.25—0.63),按照性别分组后,这一相关性仍存在。血尿酸水平升高的不吸烟人群(OR=0.52,95%C10.32—0.76)、不饮酒人群(OR=0.48,95%C10.34~0.70)和运动时间超过1h/d的人群(OR=0.51,95%C10.35—0.74)中帕金森病的发病风险降低,而在吸烟、饮酒人群中和运动时间小于1h/d的人群中,高尿酸水平并不能显著降低帕金森病发病风险。结论高尿酸水平能降低帕金森病的发病风险,生活环境因素可能修饰了血尿酸对帕金森病的保护作用。 Objective To investigate the relationship between serum uric acid (UA)levels and Parkinson's disease (PD) risk under specific lifestyle exposures. Methods Case-control study was used. Three hundred and ninety-seven PD cases and the same number of controls with matched age and gender were selected. Demographic and exposure information was collected by face-to-face interview, and blood biochemistry studies tested. Logistic regression model was used to analyze the association of PD risk with UA levels or enviromental factors. Results The highest value of UA levels was associated with a decreased PD risk compared to the lowest value (OR =0. 39, 95% CIO. 25 -0. 63) in both male and female groups. This association was significant among nonsmokers ( OR = 0. 52, 95% CI 0. 32 - 0.76 ) , nondrinkers ( OR = 0.4,95% CI 0. 34 -0. 70), and persons taking exercise more than 1 houre a day (OR =0. 51,95% CI 0. 35- 0.74). But no significant association was affected in the subjects with smoking or drinking history and those with less exercise ( 〈 1 hour a day). Conclusion We confirmed that higher UA levels were associated with lower PD risk in Chinese population, and some lifestyles may modify the protection effect of serum UA.
出处 《中华神经科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期548-552,共5页 Chinese Journal of Neurology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(836)(2012AA02A514) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2011CB504101) 科技北京百名领军人才项目(Z131107000513015) 北京市重点实验室阶梯项目(Z121107009212031)
关键词 尿酸 帕金森病 吸烟 饮酒 运动 Uric acid Parkinson disease Smoking Alcohol drinking Exercise
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