目的探讨2015年菏泽地区手足口病(hand-foot-mouth disease,HFMD)的病原体型别及分布特征。方法采集临床诊断为HFMD的粪便样本,采用Real-time PCR方法进行EV71型、Cox A16型的核酸检测,并对结果进行分析。结果2015年1—12月肠道病毒应用Real-time PCR方法对580例临床HFMD病例样本进行检测,肠道病毒核酸检测阳性502例,检出率为86.55%(502/580),其中EV71型阳性340例,占阳性样本总数的67.73%(340/502);Cox A16型阳性8例,占阳性样本总数的1.59%(8/502);EV71型和Cox A16型混合阳性1例,占阳性样本总数的0.20%(1/502);其他肠道病毒型阳性153例,占阳性病例总数的30.48%(153/502)。检测的普通病例中,肠道病毒阳性率为86.36%(481/557),EV71型占阳性病例的66.53%(320/481)。重症病例肠道病毒阳性率为91.30%(21/23),EV71型占阳性病例的95.24%(20/21)。502例肠道病毒核酸阳性病例中,男328例(65.34%),女174例(34.66%),性别比为1.89:1。结论 2015年菏泽地区HFMD病原体主要是EV71型肠道病毒,不同县区、人群分布有差异。
Objective To study the type and distribution of the pathogen of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD) in Heze city 2015. Methods Stool or throat swab specimens of clinically diagnosed cases with HFMD were collected from January to December 2015, and EV71 and Cox A16 nucleic acid examination was done by Real-time PCR.Results 580 cases were tested, and 502 cases(86.55%) were enterovirus positive. 340 cases(67.73%) were EV71 positive, 8 cases(1.59%)were Cox A16 positive, and 153 cases(30.48%) were other enteric virus positive. Positive rate of enterovirus was 86.36%(481/557), and the proportion of EV71 positive was 66.53%(320/480). Positive rate of enterovirus in severe cases was 91.30%(21/23), and the proportion of EV71 positive was 95.24%(20/21). Male cases were 328(65.34%), and female cases were 174(34.66%). The ratio of male to female was 1.89:1. Conclusion The HFMD in Heze city was mainly caused by EV71. The distribution of infections varied in different areas and population.
Journal Of Community Medicine