
Description of the shape coexistence in neutron-deficient ^(74,76)Kr with IBM2

Description of the shape coexistence in neutron-deficient ^(74,76)Kr with IBM2
摘要 The shape deformation and shape coexistence in ^(74,76) Kr isotopes are investigated within the framework of the proton-neutron interacting boson model(IBM2). By considering the relative energy of the d proton boson to be different from that of the neutron boson, the low-lying energy spectrum is in good agreement with experimental results both qualitatively and quantitatively. In particular, the low-lying 0_2^+ states associated with the shape-coexistence phenomenon are reproduced quite well. The calculated key sensitive quantities of B(E2) transition branch ratios are fairly consistent with the experimental data except for R_4. The predicated deformation parameter is very similar for the ground states in ^(74)Kr and ^(76)Kr, showing good agreement with the experimental result,and the calculated deformation parameter for the second 0^+ state in ^(74)Kr is close to the experimental data. The calculated results of the triaxiality parameter indicated an almost purely prolate shape for the ground state of ^(76)Kr and a mostly prolate shape with a little triaxiality for the ground state of ^(74)Kr. The calculations also show an oblate triaxial shape for the second 0^+ state in ^(76)Kr and maximum triaxiality for the second 0^+ state in ^(74)Kr. These results confirm the importance of the triaxial deformation for the description of such shape coexistence. The shape deformation and shape coexistence in ^(74,76) Kr isotopes are investigated within the framework of the proton-neutron interacting boson model(IBM2). By considering the relative energy of the d proton boson to be different from that of the neutron boson, the low-lying energy spectrum is in good agreement with experimental results both qualitatively and quantitatively. In particular, the low-lying 0_2~+ states associated with the shape-coexistence phenomenon are reproduced quite well. The calculated key sensitive quantities of B(E2) transition branch ratios are fairly consistent with the experimental data except for R_4. The predicated deformation parameter is very similar for the ground states in ^(74)Kr and ^(76)Kr, showing good agreement with the experimental result,and the calculated deformation parameter for the second 0~+ state in ^(74)Kr is close to the experimental data. The calculated results of the triaxiality parameter indicated an almost purely prolate shape for the ground state of ^(76)Kr and a mostly prolate shape with a little triaxiality for the ground state of ^(74)Kr. The calculations also show an oblate triaxial shape for the second 0~+ state in ^(76)Kr and maximum triaxiality for the second 0~+ state in ^(74)Kr. These results confirm the importance of the triaxial deformation for the description of such shape coexistence.
机构地区 Department of Physics
出处 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期43-49,共7页 中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11475062, 11547312 and 11147148)
关键词 ^(74)Kr ^(76)Kr shape coexistence low-ling energy states IBM2 形状共存 缺中子 计算结果 实验数据 氪同位素 变形参数 三维参数 玻色子
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