"互联网+"转型哪家强?即将600岁的北京故宫才是个中高手。去年,北京故宫的衍生品收入已经超过门票收入的两倍,还成功突破"次元壁",收获大票的90后、00后粉丝。但北京故宫的野心远不止于此,它还希望借助互联网做大北京故宫这个"传统文化最强IP(Intellectual Property,知识产权)"。不会卖萌的皇帝不是好网红。北京故宫相信:你很快就要被圈粉。
On July 6, the Palace Museum signed a long-term deal with Tencent to promote traditional Chinese culture via making use of the intellectual property(IP) of the Forbidden City and the creativity of today's youth. The two will work on emojis on QQ(the most-used instant messenger in China), games, animation and literature based on traditional cultural stories in China. Moreover, competitive events are in the works.
China Economic Weekly