

Systematic Research Based on Multi-axis Driven Spindle
摘要 为了快速检测纱管的振程,减少其对纺纱质量的影响,通过分析带传动对锭子加速的影响,设计一种切向带传动方式,研究传动过程中的弹性滑动、弹性滑动角与带传动布局之间的关系,建立切向带传动布局方案的数学模型,通过仿真分析不同参数对传动系统平稳性的影响,确定了多轴传动的最佳参数。研究结果表明,切向带多轴传动系统可以满足锭子运转的平稳性要求和动角要求,其传动的弹性滑动率仅为0.02%,优于普通传动系统,且传动准确性好、效率高。 To get rapidly the vibration range of bobbins,lessening its impact to the spinning quality,through the analysis of belt transmission effect on spindle speed increase, a tangential belt transmission mode is introduced. Research is made to the process of creep motion and the relationship between the creep motion angle and the belt transmission layout. A mathematical model of tangential transmission layout is worked out. The simulation analysis of the influence of different parameters on the stability of transmission system determines the optimal parame- ters of multi-axis driving system. The research results show that the tangential multi-axis driv- ing system can satisfy the spindles in stable performance and dynamic angle, the transmission of the creeping rate is only 0.020%, gaining ascendancy over the traditional transmission system with good transmission accuracy and high efficiency.
出处 《纺织器材》 2016年第4期1-4,共4页 Textile Accessories
关键词 锭子 纱管 振程 检测 传动 弹性滑动 动角 包角 滑动率 spindle bobbin vibration range test transmission creep motion dynamic angle in-cluded angle creeping rate
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