高等职业教育是经济发展和教育改革的产物 ,职业性是其最根本的属性。高职与普通高等教育的根本区别在于人才培养模式的不同。高职教学要树立能力本位观念、可持续发展观念、开放教学观念等 ,由此形成具有高职特色的能力本位的教学模式和教学方法。
Advanced Professional education is the result of economic development and the ed ucation reform,and the profession is the most essential preperty The basic dif fe rence between advanced professional education and common higher education lies in the different pattern of training ability Advanced professional education s h ould develop a seris of new concept Thus form the ability standard teaching p attern and teaching method with the advanced professional characteristics
Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College