
京东快递物流终端服务质量的影响因素研究——697份调研数据 被引量:19

The Empirical Study on the Logistics Terminal Services of Jingdong Express——Based on 697 Survey Data
摘要 电商的快速发展带来自建快递物流的必要性.该文以京东自建物流为研究对象,根据消费顾客满意度理论,运用多元线性回归方法,采用697份西南4省(市)的调研数据,研究了京东快递物流终端服务质量的影响因素,提炼出员工沟通质量(SCQ)、订单释放质量(ORQ)、误差处理质量(EPQ)、货品运送质量(GDQ)和服务创新质量(ISQ)5个指标,实证研究发现员工沟通质量(SCQ)、订单释放质量(ORQ)、货品运送质量(GDQ)和服务创新质量(ISQ)对顾客满意度有显著的正向影响.基于此,该文提出培训增强员工服务意识、建立物流服务质量测量体系、加强与第三方物流企业合作、完善企业硬件设施和注重服务创新与服务弹性的改进策略. The development of B2 Cand B2Bmarkets bring the necessity of the self-built logistics.Based on697 survey date from Chongqing,Guizhou,Yunnan and Sichuan provinces,according to the customer satisfaction theory,using multiple linear regression method,this article studies the influence factors of logistics terminal service quality of Jingdong express,extracts the stuff communication quality(SCQ),order release quality(ORQ),error processing quality(EPQ),goods delivery quality(GDQ)and innovation service quality(ISQ)five indicators.Empirical Study shows that stuff communication quality(SCQ),order release quality(ORQ),quality of delivery(GDQ)and service innovation quality(ISQ)have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.Based on the empirical results,improving employee service consciousness by regular training,establishing logistics service quality measurement system,strengthening cooperation with the third party logistics enterprises,improving enterprise hardware facilities and focusing on service innovation and flexibility are proposed as the improvement strategies.
作者 张卫国 谢鹏
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1-12,共12页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 2012国家社科基金重大项目"中国新型城镇化包容性发展的路径设计与战略选择研究"(12xgl007) 2016年中央高校基本业务费专项资金资助"重庆市企业孵化器效率及对区域创新经济的影响研究"(SWU1609242) 2016年中央高校基本业务费专项资金资助"农民工上向阶层流动路径研究与政策支持"(SWU1609240)
关键词 京东快递 物流终端服务质量 影响因素 对策建议 Jingdong express logistics terminal service quality influencing factors countermeasures
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