
川东北狮子洞石笋54~46ka高分辨率δ^(13)C变化与影响因素 被引量:3

The high-resolution speleothem δ^(13)C record during 54~46 ka from the Shizi Cave in NE Sichuan, Central China and influencing factors
摘要 对采自川东北狮子洞的编号SI3石笋(发育时间在54~46 ka)进行了高分辨率碳同位素(δ^(13)C)测试。石笋SI3的δ^(13)C与δ^(18)O变化趋势基本一致,表明夏季风气候控制的地表植被和其他因素如水-岩相互作用、滴水时间间隔和洞穴通风作用等是影响SI3的δ^(13)C变化的主要因素。在寒冷事件H5发生时SI3的δ^(13)C与δ^(18)O的变化存在显著差异。推测δ^(13)C更早变轻与先期碳酸盐沉积作用减弱有关,可能指示洞穴通风作用和洞外冬季风在H5发生早期就开始减弱,即冬、夏季风在这一时期可能发生了脱耦现象。 Stalagmite SI3, which is 241 mm in length, was collected from the Shizi Cave (32°24′N,107°10′E) in NE Sichuan, Central China. Ten precise ^230Th dates indicate that SI3 developed during 54-46 ka. A total of 236 sub-samples were measured for stable carbon isotopic composition (δ^13C) to investigate its paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental significance. The δ^13C and δ^18O records of SI3 show a similar long-term trend during 54-46 ka, implying that the δ^13C of SI3 was significantly influenced by ground vegetation and other factors such as water-rock interaction, dripping interval and ventilation of the Shizi Cave. In addition, theδ^13C and δ^18O records of SI3 show significant differences during the H5 cold event that δ^13C shifted to negative values much earlier than δ^18O, which is possibly related to relatively less CO2 degassing and prior calcite precipitation, and in turn to weaker ventilation of the cave and winter monsoon, suggesting a decoupling between winter and summer monsoons during the H5 cold event.
出处 《地球化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期425-431,共7页 Geochimica
基金 国家自然科学基金(41271212 41473093 40973009) 教育部博士点基金(20120101110050)
关键词 碳同位素 植被 通风作用 川东北 δ^13C vegetation ventilation NE Sichuan
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