通过分析雾霾形成的过程和原因以及它给人类健康带来的危害,指出火电行业产生的大量污染物是雾霾产生的一个关键因素.在2013年全国的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟粉尘污染物排放总量分别约为2 044万吨、2 227万吨和1 500万吨,其中火电行业排放了约40%的污染物.为了遏制大气环境的进一步恶化,逐步改善空气质量,缩短雾霾天气对国民危害的时间,国家应制定和落实更为严格的二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟粉尘污染物等主要污染物的排放标准,充分发挥经济杠杆的作用,鼓励技术创新等措施.
The large number of pollutants of thermal power industry appeared to be a key factor of the haze by analyzing the formation process of haze and its reason and harm to human health. In 2013, the total emissions of sulfur dioxide, ni- trogen oxides, the smoke and dust pollutants were about 20.44 million tons, 22.27 million tons and 15.00 million tons, among which the pollutants produced by thermal power industry accounted for about 40%. In order to stop the atmosphere environment from worsening, improve the air quality gradually, and shorten the harmful time of the fog weather to resi- dents, the government must formulate and implement stricter emissions standards of those pollutants, take more sensible economic policies, encourage technological innovation to eliminate the haze.
Journal of Yibin University