
论全球治理中的国际投资机制构成、发展及对中国的影响 被引量:2

International Investment Regime: Structure, Development and Impact on China
摘要 本文首先探讨国际投资机制的概念和构成,着重分析了双边、区域性、全球性投资安排和有关国家内部的外资审查制度。其后,本文结合相应的历史背景,简要回顾了国际投资机制在萌芽、成型、高速发展和调整四个时期的演变轨迹和时代特征。随后,本文考察了以美国为首的西方国家对国际投资机制的影响,并展望了美国主导下的国际投资机制与原则的发展趋势。最后,本文转向讨论中国与国际投资机制的互动,并以最近推出的跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(TPP)为例,分析国际投资机制对中国的影响以及中国相应的政策选择和发展战略。 International investment regime is a collective rule-network of economic governance in regulating the behaviour of international investment. This paper first explores the concept and structure of international investment regime, with the emphasis on the analysis of bilateral, regional, and global investment agreements as well as domestic foreign investment regulatory system. Then, a brief review of the history of international investment regime has been provided in the next section. Later then, the paper investigates the influence of Western countries-- led by the United States--on the international investment regime, and looks forward to its future. Finally, by taking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as an example, the paper analyzes the impact of international investment regime on China, and provides recommendations for China's policy choice and development strategy.
作者 张小波 李成
出处 《国际观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期144-157,共14页 International Review
基金 西南财经大学中央高校基本科研业务费2015年度培育项目(项目编号:JBK150944)的资助
关键词 国际投资机制 投资协定 TPP 全球治理 International Investment International Regime Investment Agreements TPP Global Governance
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